Online Personal Training and Run Coaching is Here!

If you have been looking for extra motivation to get that race PR or just want to work on running form, speed, and overall fitness I am ready to help you along the way. As a Road Runner's Club of America Running Coach, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, and Girls Gone Strong Pre & Postnatal Certified trainer, I have the background and knowledge to help you reach your goals.

I am offering online personal training plans and/or running coaching with personalized plans, email and text motivation, and resources to get you to your fitness goals.

Coaching Options with Karen Poole

Looking for a coach? Dreaming of running your first race, 5k, or maybe your first half or full marathon? Or maybe you want to take your running to a higher level and set a new PR! Check out my various coaching options to help you become the best runner you can be.

Program Options:

2 Month Fitness and Strength Training ($175 per month/$325 advance payment in full)

This program is perfect if you are looking to get back in shape; run your first race; returning from an injury; or just need to change up your current routine. Training will involve a mix of running, strength, core, stretching, and plyometric moves. Unlimited email access.

3 Month Coaching Program ($160 per month/$450 advance payment in full)

Initial 30 minute phone consultation with Karen to discuss your goals; weekly customized training program (training will involve a mix of running, strength, core, stretching, and plyometric moves); unlimited email access.

4 Month Coaching Program ($155 per month/$599 advance payment in full)

Initial 30 minute phone consultation with Karen to discuss your goals; weekly customized training program (training will involve a mix of running, strength, core, stretching, and plyometric moves); unlimited email access.

Online Coaching Registration

If you are interested in learning more about these programs, please email Coach Karen via the contact form here.

I look forward to working with you!

Happy Running!